©Eurosport Daytona Inc. All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on Eurosport Daytona web sites are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites without authorized permission from Eurosport Daytona Inc. Some Eurosport Daytona Inc. web sites may also contain images/content that are subject to the copyright rights of their providers.
All information contained on this web site is intended for the USA market only. The accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed, particularly since this information is subject to change.
All product designs, illustrations, and specifications are based upon current information at the time of creation. Although descriptions are believed correct, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Eurosport Daytona Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in the information contained on this web site, including and without limitation to prices, specifications, colors, materials, and to change or discontinue products.
Most of our designs and/or products fall under one or more of the registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company or General Motors Corporation of whom we are licensed with and should not be used without permission.
Eurosport Daytona has sought to achieve an innovative and informative web site. We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, you also need to understand that Eurosport Daytona must protect its intellectual property, including its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Please appreciate that no license to Eurosport Daytona’s intellectual property has been granted by this web site.